Course Details

ELE623 - Electromagnetic Wave Theory I

2024-2025 Fall term information
The course is not open this term
ELE623 - Electromagnetic Wave Theory I
Program Theoretıcal hours Practical hours Local credit ECTS credit
MS 3 0 3 8
Obligation : Elective
Prerequisite courses : -
Concurrent courses : -
Delivery modes : Face-to-Face
Learning and teaching strategies : Lecture, Question and Answer, Problem Solving
Course objective : It is aimed to give the following topics to the students; Maxwell's Equations, boundary conditions, basic theorems of electromagnetics, vector and scalar potentials, Hertz potentials, classification of materials by constitutive relation parameters, Solutions of Wave Equation in a source-free medium, wave polarization, reflection, refraction, dispersion, Complex waves with emphasis on trapped surface waves and Zenneck waves, introduction to waves in inhomogeneous media, Solution of wave equation in guided structures, metallic and dielectric waveguides, cavities, Polarization and dispersion in lossy dielectrics, wave equation solutions in anisotropic media through examples of magnetoplasma and ferrites, to form a solid foundation in propagation, reflection, refraction so that the students can apply the principles of electromagnetic wave theory and methods of solutions to the problems which they may encounter within their studies/thesis/projects.
Learning outcomes : Form the problem statement using Maxwell's Equations, Hertz potentials and the fundamental theorems of electromagnetics in a given geometry, boundary conditions, constitutive relations, Formulate the problem of wave equation in differential or integral equation form, Identify the method of solution by keeping in mind the geometry of problem, boundary conditions and frequency, Apply the appropriate solution techniques of differential and/or integral equations and obtain particular solution using boundary values/conditions, Have the foundations to solve real life problems in wave propagation in simple/inhomogeneous/anisotropic source-free medium, and guided structures like microwave guides, RF devices and fiber optic cables.
Course content : Maxwell's Equations in differential and integral form, Constitutive Relations and Parameters, Boundary Conditions (Dirichlet, Neumann, Cauchy, Sommerfeld), Scalar/Vector/Hertz Potentials, Symmetry, Duality, Uniqueness, Conservation, Reciprocity Theorems, Wave Equation in a source-free medium, Wave Polarization, Specular Reflection and Refraction, Fresnel Coefficients, Complex Waves, trapped surface waves, Zenneck waves, Introduction to wave equation formulations and example solution methods in inhomogeneous media, Waves in guided structures, conductive rectangular and cylindrical waveguides, dielectric waveguides with examples in step-index and graded-index fiber optic cables, Dispersion in waveguides, Cavities, Material polarization, dispersion, mixing formulas, Wave equation formulation and solution in cold magnetoplasma (ionosphere), Wave equation formulation and solution in ferrites (RF phase shifters).
References : Ishimaru, A., Electromagnetic Wave Propagation, Radiation and Scattering, Prentice Hall, 1991.; ; Kong, J.A., Electromagnetic Wave Theory, John Wiley, 1986.; ; Chew, W.C., Waves and Fields in Inhomogeneous Media, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990.; ; Balanis, C.A., Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, John Wiley, 1989.
Course Outline Weekly
Weeks Topics
1 Maxwell?s Equations in differential and integral form, Constitutive Relations and Parameters, Boundary Conditions (Dirichlet, Neumann, Cauchy, Sommerfeld)
2 Scalar/Vector/Hertz Potentials, Symmetry, Duality, Uniqueness and Reciprocity Theorems, Conservation of Power (Poynting) and Momentum Theorems
3 Formulation and solution of wave equation in a source-free, free space in both time and phasor domains, Wave Polarization
4 Phase Matching, Specular Reflection, Refraction for both TM and TE Polarizations
5 Snell?s Laws, Fresnel Reflection/Reflection Coefficients, Brewster?s Angle, Critical Angle
6 Complex Waves, Trapped Surface Wave, Zenneck Waves
7 Wave equation formulation and solution in inhomogeneous media, WKB solution, Bremmer Series
8 Midterm Exam
9 Wave equation in a guided medium, rectangular and cylindrical metallic waveguides
10 Dispersion in waveguides, dielectric waveguides, step-index and graded-index optical fibres
11 Rectangular, Cylindrical and Spherical Cavities and examples of wave equation solution in cavities such as microwave ovens, microstrip antennas, frequency measurement in a waveguide, whistler waves, ELF propagation
12 Material Polarization, Dispersion, Mixing Formulas
13 Wave equation formulation in an anisotropic medium, solution of wave equation in cold magnetoplasma (ionosphere), Ordinary/Extraordinary waves, Faraday Rotation
14 Solution of wave equation in ferrites
15 Final exam
16 Final exam
Assessment Methods
Course activities Number Percentage
Attendance 0 0
Laboratory 0 0
Application 0 0
Field activities 0 0
Specific practical training 0 0
Assignments 4 30
Presentation 0 0
Project 0 0
Seminar 0 0
Quiz 0 0
Midterms 1 30
Final exam 1 40
Total 100
Percentage of semester activities contributing grade success 60
Percentage of final exam contributing grade success 40
Total 100
Workload and ECTS Calculation
Course activities Number Duration (hours) Total workload
Course Duration 14 3 42
Laboratory 0 0 0
Application 0 0 0
Specific practical training 0 0 0
Field activities 0 0 0
Study Hours Out of Class (Preliminary work, reinforcement, etc.) 14 5 70
Presentation / Seminar Preparation 0 0 0
Project 0 0 0
Homework assignment 4 8 32
Quiz 0 0 0
Midterms (Study duration) 1 45 45
Final Exam (Study duration) 1 53 53
Total workload 34 114 242
Matrix Of The Course Learning Outcomes Versus Program Outcomes
Key learning outcomes Contribution level
1 2 3 4 5
1. Has general and detailed knowledge in certain areas of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in addition to the required fundamental knowledge.
2. Solves complex engineering problems which require high level of analysis and synthesis skills using theoretical and experimental knowledge in mathematics, sciences and Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
3. Follows and interprets scientific literature and uses them efficiently for the solution of engineering problems.
4. Designs and runs research projects, analyzes and interprets the results.
5. Designs, plans, and manages high level research projects; leads multidiciplinary projects.
6. Produces novel solutions for problems.
7. Can analyze and interpret complex or missing data and use this skill in multidiciplinary projects.
8. Follows technological developments, improves him/herself , easily adapts to new conditions.
9. Is aware of ethical, social and environmental impacts of his/her work.
10. Can present his/her ideas and works in written and oral form effectively; uses English effectively.
1: Lowest, 2: Low, 3: Average, 4: High, 5: Highest