Bilimsel Yayınlar
Dr. S. Esen Yüksel'in yazarı ya da yazarlarından biri olduğu yayınlar
TürUluslararası yayınUlusal yayınToplam
Konferans bildirisi501363
Kitap bölümü11
# Başlık Yayın Yazar(lar) Tür SCI, SSCI, AHCI veya EI? Yıl
1Multi-scale superpixel-based nearest subspace classifier for mucilage detection from hyperspectral PRISMA dataDigital Signal ProcessingK. G. Toker, S. E. YükselMakaleEvetKasım
2Integrating Visible Light for Enhanced Thermal Imaging: Parameterized Scene-Based Non-Uniformity CorrectionIEEE 34th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP)B. Abaci, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Eylül
3Shadow-aware terrain classification: advancing hyperspectral image sensing through generative adversarial networks and correlated sample synthesisJournal of Applied Remote SensingA. G. Peker, S. E. Yüksel, R. G. Cinbis, Y. Y. ÇetinMakaleEvetEylül
4Target Detection with LWIR Hyperspectral Scene Transfer Based on Deep LearningIEEE IGARSSM. Yalçın, S. E. Yüksel, A. KozKonferans bildirisi-Temmuz
5Self-Supervised Calibration of the Denoising Networks for HSIIEEE IGARSSO. Torun, S. E. Yüksel, E. Erdem, A. ErdemKonferans bildirisi-Temmuz
6Marmara Denizi’ndeki Müsilaj Oluşumlarının PRISMA Uydusundan TespitiIEEE SIUK. G. Toker, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
7Automated blood volume estimation in surgical drains for clinical decision supportEuropean Review for Medical and Pharmacological SciencesA. A. Sahin, M. A. Sahin, M. E. Yuksel, S. E. YükselMakaleHayırOcak
8A Two-Stream Deep Model for Automated ICD-9 Code Prediction in an Intensive Care UnitHeliyonM. Arda Ayden, Mehmet Eren Yüksel, S. E. YükselMakaleEvetOcak
9Classification of Solid Waste using Computer Vision TechniquesIEEE Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements and Applications (SPA)Burak Akdemir, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Ekim
10Plankton Classification with Deep LearningIEEE Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements and Applications (SPA)Betül Sömek, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Ekim
11Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Self-Modulating Convolutional Neural NetworksSignal ProcessingOrhan Torun, S. E. Yüksel, Erkut Erdem, Nevrez İmamoğlu, Aykut ErdemMakaleEvetEylül
12Solder joint inspection on printed circuit boards: A survey and a datasetIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement549, S. E. Yüksel, A. Yılmaz, D. GökcenMakaleEvetTemmuz
13Fine-grained Classification of Solder Joints with alpha-skew Jensen-Shannon DivergenceIEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology549, S. E. Yüksel, A. Yılmaz, D. GökcenMakaleEvetMart
14Multi-source Domain Adaptation of GPR Data for IED DetectionSignal, Image and Video ProcessingM. Oturak, S. E. Yüksel, S. KüçükMakaleEvetŞubat
15Mobile Device Camera Calibration Using Building Images and Onboard AccelerometerIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and MeasurementOkay Arık, S. E. YükselMakaleEvetKasım
16Target Detection over Temperature ProfilesIGARSSİlke Belenoğlu, Metehan Yalçın, S. E. Yüksel, Alper KozKonferans bildirisi-Temmuz
17Defect Classification from Electronic Card Images by Deep LearningIEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)M. Eryılmaz, M. Çil, S. R. Aktürk, M. Tileği, A. Yılmaz, S. E. Yüksel, D. GökçenKonferans bildirisi-Haziran
18Analysis and Detection of Mucilage Bloom from Multispectral Satellite ImagesIEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)S. Küçük, Bahri Abacı, Murat Dede, S. E. Yüksel, Mete YılmazKonferans bildirisi-Haziran
19Threat detection in x-ray baggage security imagery using convolutional neural networksAnomaly Detection and Imaging with X-Rays (ADIX) VIIElif Erarslan Altindag, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Haziran
20Mucilage detection from hyperspectral and multispectral satellite dataAlgorithms, Technologies, and Applications for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imaging XXVIIIMurat Dede, Bahri Abacı, S. E. Yüksel, Mete YılmazKonferans bildirisi-Haziran
21Defect Classification from Electronic Card Images by Deep Learning2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)M. Eryılmaz, Metehan Çil, Sedat Aktürk, Mehmet Tileği, Hakan Tırak, A. Yılmaz, S. E. Yüksel, D. GökcenKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
22Spectral-Spatial Nearest Subspace Classifier for Hyperspectral Image ClassificationInternational Journal of Remote SensingKemal Gürkan Toker, S. E. YükselMakaleEvetMayıs
23Camera Calibration Using CatenaryIEEE Sensors JournalOkay Arık, S. E. YükselMakaleEvetŞubat
24Pointwise Mutual Information based Graph Laplacian Regularized Sparse UnmixingIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing LettersS. Küçük, S. E. YükselMakaleEvetŞubat
25An in-depth analysis of hyperspectral target detection with shadow compensation via LiDARSignal Processing: Image CommunicationEmrah Oduncu, S. E. YükselMakaleEvetKasım
26Anomaly Detection for Solder Joints Using β-VAEIEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing TechnologyFurkan Ulger, S. E. Yüksel, A. YılmazMakaleEvetEkim
27Unsupervised Segmentation of LiDAR Fused Hyperspectral Imagery Using Pointwise Mutual InformationInternational Journal of Remote SensingOrhan Torun, S. E. YükselMakaleEvetAğustos
28Total Utility Metric based Dictionary Pruning for Sparse Hyperspectral UnmixingIEEE Transactions on Computational ImagingS. Küçük, S. E. YükselMakaleEvetMayıs
29El Yapımı Patlayıcıların ve Patlayıcı Maddelerin Tespitinde Kullanılan Spektroskopi Tabanlı Yöntemlerin Karşılaştırılmasına İlişkin Bir İncelemeSavunma Bilimleri DergisiS. E. Yüksel, S. Küçük, Vedat Tekeli, Birol Kılıç, R. Hamza Karakaya, M. Berkay ZekaMakaleHayırMayıs
30Deep Learning for Medicine and Remote Sensing: A Brief ReviewInternational Journal of Environment and GeoinformaticsMehmet Eren Yuksel, S. Küçük, S. E. Yüksel, Erkut ErdemMakaleHayırAralık
31Utility Metric for Subset Dictionary Selection in Semi-Blind Hyperspectral UnmixingIEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)S. Küçük, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Ekim
32Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data Using Spectral LibrariesInternational Journal of Environment and GeoinformaticsS. Küçük, S. E. YükselMakaleHayırNisan
33Transfer Learning on GPR Data for IED Detection in Various EnvironmentsSPIE Security + Defence International SymposiumS. E. Yüksel, Mehmet Oturak, K. G. TokerKonferans bildirisi-Eylül
34Deep canonical correlation analysis for hyperspectral image classificationSPIE Remote SensingK. G. Toker, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Eylül
35A Standalone Open-Source System for Optical Inspection of Printed Circuit BoardsIEEE SPA 2019Furkan Ülger, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Eylül
36Spektral Kütüphaneler Kullanarak Hiperspektral Verilerin Seyrek Ayrıştırılması10. Türkiye Ulusal Fotogrametri ve Uzaktan Algılama Birliği Teknik Sempozyumu (TUFUAB)S. Küçük, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Nisan
37DEEP LEARNING IN REMOTE SENSING10. Türkiye Ulusal Fotogrametri ve Uzaktan Algılama Birliği (TUFUAB) Teknik Sempozyumu (TUFUAB)M. Eren Yüksel, M. Erkut Erdem, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Nisan
38ACCESSIBLE AND AUTOMATIZED RECYCLING SYSTEM USING COMPUTER VISION TECHNIQUES10. Türkiye Ulusal Fotogrametri ve Uzaktan Algılama Birliği (TUFUAB) Teknik Sempozyumu (TUFUAB)Burak Akdemir, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Nisan
39Transfer and multitask learning using convolutional neural networks for buried wire detection from ground penetrating radar dataSPIE Detection and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Objects, and Obscured Targets XXIV ConferenceEnver Aydın, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Nisan
40Fully-Connected Semantic Segmentation of Hyperspectral and LiDAR DataIET Computer VisionHakan Aytaylan, S. E. YükselMakaleEvetNisan
41Image Fusion for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution9th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing : Evolution in Remote Sensing (Whispers)Hasan Irmak, Gozde Bozdagi Akar, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Eylül
42An Investigation of the Effect of Neighboring Objects to Shadow Areas on Real Data based on the Physical Radiance ModelJournal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi UniversityEmrah Oduncu, S. E. YükselMakaleEvetEylül
43A MAP-Based Approach for Hyperspectral Imagery Super-resolutionIEEE Transactions on Image ProcessingHasan Irmak, Gözde Bozdağı Akar, S. E. YükselMakaleEvetHaziran
44Transfer and Multitask Learning Method for Buried Wire Detection via GPRIEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)Enver Aydın, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
45Fusion of hyperspectral image and LiDAR data and classification using deep convolutional neural networksIEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)Mesut Salman, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
46A Greedy Algorithm for Sparse UnmixingSİUK. G. Toker, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
47The Effect of the LiDAR Sensor on the Success of the Shadow Detection from Hyperspectral DataPamukkale Üniversitesi Muhendislik Bilimleri DergisiS. E. Yüksel, Mustafa BoyacıMakaleHayırMayıs
48Buried target detection with ground penetrating radar using deep learning methodSIU 2017Enver Aydin, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
49Fusion based resolution enhancement in hyperspectral imagesSIU 2017Hasan Irmak, Gozde Bozdagi Akar, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
50LiDAR aided hyperspectral images segmentation using schroedinger eigenmapsSIU 2017Orhan Torun, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
51Hyperspectral Unmixing via Convolutional Neural NetworkInternational Workshop on Mathematical Methods in EngineeringK. G. Toker, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Nisan
52Fusion of Target Detection Algorithms in Hyperspectral ImagesInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in EngineeringS. E. Yüksel, Ahmet KarakayaMakaleHayırAralık
53SPICEE: An Extension to SPICE for Sparse Endmember Estimation in Hyperspectral ImageryIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing LettersS. E. Yüksel, S. Küçük, Paul GaderMakaleEvetAralık
54Using k-way Normalized Cuts to Integrate LiDAR and Hyperspectral Imagery for SegmentationHyperspectral Imaging and Sounding of the Environment (HISE)Orhan Torun, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Kasım
55Validation of Registration for Renal Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI ImagingInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in EngineeringS. E. YükselMakaleHayırAğustos
56Context-based Classification Using a Mixture of Hidden Markov Models with Applications in Landmine DetectionIET Computer VisionS. E. Yüksel, Paul GaderMakaleEvetAğustos
57SEMANTIC SEGMENTATION OF HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGES WITH THE FUSION OF LIDAR DATAIEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)Hakan Aytaylan, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Temmuz
58SUPER-RESOLUTION RECONSTRUCTION OF HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGES VIA AN IMPROVED MAP-BASED APPROACHIEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)Hasan Irmak, Gözde B. Akar, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Temmuz
59Hyperspectral image classification via Support Vector Data Description (Destek Vektör Veri Tanımı ile Hiperspektral Görüntü Sınıflandırma)IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)H. E. Mutlu, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
60Hyperspectral imagery superresolution (Hiperspektral Görüntülerde Süperçözünürlük)IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)Hasan Irmak, Gözde B. Akar, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
61Target detection in hyperspectral images (Hiperspektral Görüntülerde Hedef Tespiti )IEEE 23rd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)Ahmet Karakaya, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
62Analyzing the correlation of sky-view factor and shadow regions in hyperspectral data (Hiperspektral Verilerdeki Gölge Alanların Gökyüzü Açıklığı ile İlintisinin İncelenmesi)IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)Emrah Oduncu, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
63Hyperspectral data classification using deep convolutional neural networks (Hiperspektral Verilerin Derin Konvolüsyonel Sinir Ağlarıyla Sınıflandırılması)IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)Mesut Salman, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
64Hyperspectral image segmentation using normalized cuts (Düzgelenmiş Kesit Kullanarak Hiperspektral Görüntülerin Bölütlenmesi)IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)Orhan Torun, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
65Fusion of KLMS and Blob Based Pre-Screener for Buried Landmine Detection Using Ground Penetrating RadarSPIE Defense and Security: Detection and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Objects, and Obscured Targets XXIB. Baydar, G.B. Akar, S. E. Yüksel, S. OzturkKonferans bildirisi-Nisan
66Hacettepe Üniversitesi'nde Uzaktan Algılama ÇalışmalarıElektrik MühendisliğiS. E. Yüksel, S. Küçük, Erdinc Gunes, Mustafa Boyaci, K. G. TokerDiğer-Temmuz
67Multiple-Instance Hidden Markov Models With Applications to Landmine DetectionIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote SensingS. E. Yüksel, Jeremy Bolton, Paul GaderMakaleEvetHaziran
68Comparison of Rx-Based Anomaly Detectors on Synthetic and Real Hyperspectral DataIEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS)S. Küçük, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Haziran
69A MAP-BASED APPROACH TO RESOLUTION ENHANCEMENT OF HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGESIEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS)H. Irmak, G. B. Akar, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Haziran
70Accelerating Classification Time in Hyperspectral Images (Hiperspektral Görüntülerde Sınıflandırma Hızının İyileştirilmesi)IEEE 23rd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)K. G. Toker, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
71Aircraft Recognition from Satellite ImagesIEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)M. Oturak, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
72LWIR and MWIR images dimension reduction and anomaly detection with locally linear embedding (LWIR ve MWIR Görüntülerde Yerel Doğrusal Gömme ile Boyut Azaltma ve Anomali Tespiti)IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)A.S. Aydogdu, S. E. Yüksel, L. Ozparlak, P. U. HatipogluKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
73Locating the shadow regions in LIDAR data: results on the SHARE 2012 datasetSPIE Defense and Security: Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XXIMustafa Boyaci, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Nisan
74Effect of endmember clustering on proportion estimation: results on the Share 2012 datasetSPIE Defense and Security: Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XXIErdinc Gunes, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Nisan
75Fusion of forward-looking infrared camera and down-looking ground penetrating radar for buried target detectionSPIE Defense and Security: Detection and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Objects, and Obscured Targets XXS. E. Yüksel, Gözde B. Akar, S. ÖztürkKonferans bildirisi-Nisan
76Hiperspektral Görüntülerde Son Eleman Tespiti7. Savunma Teknolojileri Kongresi (SAVTEK)S. Küçük, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Haziran
77Endmember Detection using Enhanced Constrained Optimization in Hyperspectral Imaging (Hiperspektral Görüntülerde Son Elemanların Geliştirilmiş Kısıtlı Optimizasyonla Bulunması)IEEE 22. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları KurultayıS. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Nisan
78Differential Reflection Spectroscopy: A Novel Method for Explosive DetectionActa Physica Polonica AS. E. Yüksel, T. Dubroca, R.E. Hummel, P.D. GaderMakaleEvetŞubat
79Landmine Detection With Multiple Instance Hidden Markov ModelsIEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning For Signal Processing (MLSP)S. E. Yüksel, J. Bolton, P. GaderKonferans bildirisi-Eylül
80Twenty Years of Mixture of ExpertsIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning SystemsS. E. Yüksel, Joseph N. Wilson, Paul D. GaderMakaleEvetAğustos
81Mixture of HMM Experts with Applications to Landmine DetectionIEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)S. E. Yüksel, P. GaderKonferans bildirisi-Temmuz
82An automatic detection software for differential reflection spectroscopySPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing: Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral ImageryS. E. Yüksel, T. Dubroca, R. Hummel, P. GaderKonferans bildirisi-Mayıs
83Context-based classification with applications in landmine detectionLambert Academic PublishingS. E. YükselKitap-Mart
84Spectral Analysis for the Detection of Explosives with Differential ReflectometryGrace Hopper Conference (GHC)S. E. Yüksel, T. Dubroca, R. Hummel, P. GaderKonferans bildirisi-Ekim
85Sub-pixel Target Spectra Estimation and Detection Using Functions of Multiple InstancesIEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS)A. Zare, P. Gader, J. Bolton, S. E. Yüksel, T. Dubroca, R. Close, R. HummelKonferans bildirisi-Haziran
86Engineering Education for the Net Generation: A Case Study of How Students Use Resources in Software EngineeringInternational Engineering Education Conference (IEEC)S. E. Yüksel, P.J. DobbinsKonferans bildirisi-Kasım
87Simultaneous Feature and HMM Model Learning for Landmine Detection using Ground Penetrating RadarPattern Recognition in Remote Sensing Workshop (PRRS)X. Zhang, S. E. Yüksel, P. Gader, J.WilsonKonferans bildirisi-Ağustos
88Variational Mixture of Experts for Classification with applications to landmine detectionInternational Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)S. E. Yüksel, P. GaderKonferans bildirisi-Ağustos
89Hierarchical methods for landmine detection with wideband electro-magnetic induction and ground penetrating radar multi-sensor systemsIEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)S. E. Yüksel, G. Ramachandran, P. Gader, J. Wilson, D. Ho, G. HeoKonferans bildirisi-Temmuz
90A Kidney Segmentation Framework for Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance ImagingJournal of Vibration and ControlS. E. Yüksel, Ayman El-Baz, Aly A. Farag, Mohamed El-Ghar, Tarek Eldiasty, Mohamed A. GhoneimMakaleEvetEylül
91Application Of Deformable Models For The Detection Of Acute Renal RejectionDeformable Models: Biomedical and Clinical Applications (Topics in Biomedical Engineering. International Book Series)A. El-Baz, A.A. Farag, S. E. Yüksel, M.A. El-Ghar, T. A. Eldiasty and M.A. GhoneimKitap bölümü-Temmuz
92A New CAD System for the Evaluation of Kidney Diseases Using DCE-MRILecture Notes In Computer Science (MICCAI)A. El-Baz, R. Fahmi, S. E. Yüksel, A.A. Farag, W. Miller, M.A. El-Ghar, T. EldiastyMakaleEvetEkim
93A Novel Approach for the Detection of Acute Rejection with Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging13th European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology (ESUR)A. El-Baz, A.A. Farag, S. E. Yüksel, M.A. El-Ghar, T. EldiastyKonferans bildirisi-Eylül
94Image Analysis of Renal DCE-MRI for the Detection of Acute Renal Rejection18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)A. El-Baz, A.A. Farag, R. Fahmi, S. E. Yüksel, M.A. El-Ghar, T. EldiastyKonferans bildirisi-Ağustos
95Level Set Segmentation using Statistical Shape PriorsComputer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW)A. El-baz, A.A. Farag, H. A. El Munim, S. E. YükselKonferans bildirisi-Haziran
96A Framework for the Detection of Acute Renal Rejection with Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance ImagingProceedings of International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Nano to Macro (ISBI)A. Farag, A. El-Baz, S. E. Yüksel, M.A. El-Ghar, T. EldiastyKonferans bildirisi-Nisan
972D and 3D Shape Based Segmentation Using Deformable ModelsLecture Notes In Computer Science (MICCAI)A. El-Baz, S. E. Yüksel, H. Shi, A.A. Farag, M.A. El-Ghar, T. Eldiasty, and M. A. GhoneimMakaleEvetEkim
98Non-rigid registration techniques for automatic follow-up of lung nodulesProc. of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS)A. El-Baz, S. E. Yüksel, S. Elshazly, A. A. FaragKonferans bildirisi-Haziran
99Automatic detection of renal rejection after kidney transplantationProc. of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS)S. E. Yüksel, A. El-Baz, A.A. Farag, M.E.A. El-Ghar, T.A. Eldiasty, M.A. GhoneimKonferans bildirisi-Haziran

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